About Us

Hi there! I’m Dom, aka retroflow. I’m a 3D printing aficionado, a budding miniature painter, a board game enthusiast, and all-around lifelong nerd. I have a fantastic wife who is incredibly supportive of this new endeavor of mine, not to mention being amazingly tolerant of all of the nerdy stuff I have peppered throughout our home! I also have two wonderful boys, my two adorkable nerds-in-training who encourage me by ooh-ing and ahh-ing at everything that I print and paint. 🙂

My primary goal (my mission statement in corpo speak) in starting Unlimited Print Works is to provide the same kind of experience that I would like to have as a customer: a great selection of miniatures printed at high quality, and the best possible customer service. This world of ours, and life in general, can be stressful and chaotic (neutral, good, or evil), so if I can put a little bit of good in the world by delivering unexpected happiness with my work, I consider that a win.

I am eternally grateful for the creators that I work with, without whom this shop literally would not exist. Their talent is unparalleled, their work impeccable, and I’m blessed to say that I even consider some of them to be friends. Make sure to check them out at the links provided in their respective listings to see what awesomeness they’re working on!